Local Businesses Join Forces with Sustain Hudson for a Hopeful Future

Recently a downtown business owner shared this quote from Margaret Mead as she was summarizing Sustain Hudson’s business movement, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” During the past several months, roughly 30 independently owned downtown businesses have been working on an initiative designed to increase sustainability in business operations.   Thoughtfully working together to make simple, yet impactful, decisions that enhance our already lovely community, they have initiated cooperative efforts to address a few sustainable actions with plans for the commitment to grow and evolve.  

The immediate steps include:  adding recycling containers throughout downtown; increased bicycle parking; intentional gardens designed to attract pollinators or vegetable gardens to be shared; a skip-a-bagor skip-a-paper productwith businesses donating ten cents to two local non-profits with each skipped item. Additionally, this organization has secured a grant to enhance sustainability in the downtown area.  The group is in the process of determining how to best utilize these funds.   As the movement has gained momentum, several businesses have noted that one of the unexpected benefits is the increased sense of community when businesses (who are often friendly competitors) work together for the betterment of our city. 

Watch for window clings that identify the communitybusiness that are participating in this sustainability effort.  If you would you like more information or wish to join our organization, please feel free to contact:
Sarah Bruch at info@thepurpletree.org.

Erin Mason